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- Your opportunity for a great Show heifer!
- Top 5 int. Dairy show Verona 2018!
- Successful during the Swiss Expo 2018! - Out of the great transmitting Stel Damion Debat EX-92-AT
- Golden cross Atwood x Damion!
- Ready to flush and show!
Atwood x EX-92-AT Damion x VG-85-FR Stormatic x VG-87 Terrason x Magley x Luke x Sammy x Pickland
Sire: Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD
Dam: Stel Damion Debat EX-92-AT | Reserve Grand Champion Austria Open Show '14
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- Incredible Gold Chip dtr sells - watch her pictures and get convinced
- From 9 generations straight EXCELLENT cows in a row
- Going back on the phenomenal show- & brood cow: Krull Broker Elegance EX-96-USA
- Going back on Budjon-JK Storm Emily-ET EX-92-USA:
- Reserve All-American Sr 2-Yr-Old 2005
- Int Champ, Midwest Spring Nat’l 2005
Gold Chip x EX-90-USA Atwood x EX-90-USA Dundee x EX-92-USA Storm x Budjon-JK LInjet Eileen EX-96-USA 4E x Krull Broker Elegance EX-96-USA GMD DOM
Sire: Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP
Dam: Tramilda Atwood Exhale EX-90-USA | 9 generations EXCELLENT in a row!
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- MODESTY heifer with GTPI +2653!!
- Great production heifer with +0.16% FAT / +0.03% PROTEIN
- Easy calving index: 6.7 SCE
- Going back on Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA
Modesty x Supersire x Tango x Ladd P x VG-87-CAN Mac x VG-88-USA Goldwyn x VG-87-USA Oman x Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA
Sire: Bacon-Hill Pety MODESTY
Dam: Hul-Stein Super Darq 2 P | The former #7 GTPI Polled Heifer in Europe
- Modesty daughter out of the Larcrest Cosmoplitan's!
- Great type linear: +2.39 Udders / +1.81 FLC / +2.05 PTAT!
- Super calving traits: 5.1 SCE / 2.0 DCE
- From the same family as DG Charley @ ABS!
Modesty x Supershot x VG-86-DE 2yr. Headliner x VG-87-NL 2yr. Freddie x Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA
Sire: Bacon-Hill Pety MODESTY
Dam: Col Carryline | Former top 10 Supershot dtr in Europe!
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- Fanastic Jersey heifer! She has the complete package: index, production & type!
- #16 Conformation heifer in Canada with +15 Conformation & 1647 LPI
- Dam Cavalia Chanel was 2nd in class Swiss Expo '18 & Int. Champion & Grand Champion National Jer
- Dam was also Grand Champion & Res. Supreme Champion Agro Nord Show '16
- Same family as Minister, Meastro & Jamal
Joel x Stakkehave Cavalia Chanel EX-93-DK (s. Cavalia) x Select-Scott Salty Cocochanel EX-94 (s. Sultan) x Select-Scott JW Covergirl EX-90 x Jiff Little Minnie EX-96
Sire: Guimo JOEL
Dam: Stakkehave Cavalia Chanel EX-93-DK | 2nd place Swiss Expo '18
- SHOWY Jedi x VG-89 2yr. x ASHLYN cow family
- This heifer has been shown
- Great combination between the great index sire JEDI and the Ashlyn cow family
- Where type and index meet!
- Dam got VG-89-NL 2yr. old MAX Score and won shows!
- Tracing back to Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA!
- Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2001
- All-American 4yr old
CLICK HERE for the video of this heifer
Sire: S-S-I Montross JEDI
Dam: Hemrik Holsteins Braxton Amber VG-89-NL 2yr. (MAX) | MAX Scored show winner from the Ashlyn family
- Doorman daughter ready to SHOW!
- Potential 10th generation EXCELLENT!
- Doorman x Durham!!
- Doorman on top - 'Queen of the Breed' Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA on the bottom
Doorman x NC Durham x EX-93-USA Roy x EX-90-USA Rubens x EX-90-USA Horton x EX-96-USA Tony x EX-94-USA Triple Threat x EX-90-USA Elevation x Glenridge Citation ROXY EX-97-USA
Sire: Val-Bisson DOORMAN-ET
Dam: Scientific Durham Cream | Direct dtr of Scientific Roy Creamy EX-93-USA
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- #1 Selfie in Europe with +2552 GTPI (04/18)!
- Super health traits 2.65 SCS, +7.0 PL, +2.8 DPR!
- Out of the great Durham Altitude Family!
- Same family as former #1 and #2 R&W GTPI heifers in Europe!
Selfie x Rubicon NC x VG-87-NL 2yr. Supersire x VG-85-USA Alexander x EX-91-USA Goldwyn x Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude EX-95-USA
Sire: Silvercap SELFIE-ET
Dam: NRP Alisha *RC | Unique Red Carrier from the ~APPLE EX-96~ family!
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- Unique combination of GTPI +2547 and +2.72 PTAT!
- Dam is the former top 10 Silver dtr World Wide!
- Deep American cow family, going back on Beachlawn Blwood L Lilly EX-93-USA!!!
Eldorado x Silver xVG-85-NL Headliner x EX-90-USA Shot-Al x EX-90-USA Ramos x VG-86-USA Oman x VG-87-USA Marshall x Beachlawn Blwood L Lilly EX-93-USA
Sire: DG Albero ELDORADO
Dam: Lakeside Silver Lilly | Former #3 GTPI heifer
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- Great index: +2690 GTPI & 803 NM$
- 2.56 SCS, +2.60 DPR, +7.6 PL, +0.05%Protein and almost +2700 GTPI!
- Same family as the successful sires MR. SAM, MR. SAMUELO, SOCRATES and more!
Jedi x NC Profit x VG-85 Platinum x GP-83 Shamrock x VG-88 Freddie x Stantons Lucky Cameo EX-90
Sire: S-S-I Montross JEDI
Dam: Hul-Stein Crown Party 2 | The former #5 RZG Profit daughter World Wide!!
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- FLUSH age heifer @ GTPI +2646!
- Interesting pedigree from deep American cow family from origing
- Going back on Peckenstein Luke Kirsten EX-91-USA GMD DOM
- Very allround profile
Montana x VG-85 2yr. Spring x Numero Uno x Planet x Duplex x Lancelot x Jesther x Manfred x Peckenstein Luke Kirsten EX-91-USA GMD DOM
Dam: JK Eder Hoine 2 VG-85-NL 2yr. | Spring x Uno x Peckenstein cow family
- #1 Mr Candid daughter in Europe! (04/18)
- Super milk traits +1780M -0.02%F +0.03%P
- 4th dam is Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA!
- Great transmitting branche of the Tony Beauty's!
Mr Candid x Dozer x VG-86-USA Supersire x VG-86-CAN Superstition x Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA
Dam: MS DG-TM Dozer Bristol | Going back on Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA
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- Different sirestack: Blowtorch x Tango x Meridian!
- High milk traits with +1822 and more than 100 pounds of fat & protein!
- No Supersire blood in this pedigree!
- Grand Dam was former #2 Meridian World Wide!
Blowtorch x GP-83-NL Tango x Meridian x VG-86-NL 2yr. Snowman x VG-86-NL 2yr. Bolton x BEL Iron Irene EX-90-IT
Sire: Syryczuk Silvr BLOWTORCH
Dam: Vekis DG Lyzette | No Mogul & Supersire in this pedigree!
- #3 Flywheel in Europe (04/18)!
- Very allround heifer with almost +2600 GTPI, +2.63 PTAT and +1173 Milk!
- Out of the great Ladys-Manor Ruby Jen family!
- Same Family as former #1 GTPI bull Shamrock!
Flywheel x GP-83-USA VG-MS Kingboy x VG-85-USA Supersire x VG-88-USA Man-O-Man x EX-90-USA Shottle x EX-90-USA Debut x Ladys-Manor Ruby Jen EX-94-USA
Dam: Ladys-Manor Kboy Shalva | Family which delivered many bulls for A.I.
- Allround heifer +2578 GTPI, +2.6 PTAT, high milk and health traits
- Ready to flush!!
- Goes back to Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA
- Big time opportunity to make your own
Sniper x NC Montross x Numero Uno x VG-86-USA Planet x VG-87-USA O-Man x Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA
Sire: DG Kingboy SNIPER
Dam: Dukefarm Mon Deloria | Many sons in A.I. and sold for € 42.000
- From the succcessful Canadian Aija Supersire Makea cow family
- Great health traits +5.5PL, 2.67 SCS!
- Many family members are in AI
- Very exclusive cow family for Europe
Outlast x Commander x VG-86-CAN Supersire x VG-85-CAN Man-O-Man x VG-85-CAN Shuttle x VG-86-CAN Goldwyn x Aija Out Joy EX-90-CAN
Sire: Progenesis OUTLAST
Dam: RZN Mary-Lou | High ranking Commander dtr
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- Great Gymnast dtr with 2524 GTPI and 154RZG!
- Really good milk traits 1426kgM 0.04%F 0.07%P
- Different branch of the Bel Iron Irene EX-90-IT family
- A lot of male family members in AI!
Gymnast x Supershot x VG-88-NL 2yr. Fanatic x VG-86-NL Snowman x VG-86-NL Bolton x Bel Iron Irene EX-90-IT
Sire: Boldi V GYMNAST
Dam: Hul-Stein Lelie | Sister to Lemon Pie & Luigi @ AI-Total
- +2629 GTPI with almost +3 points PTAT!
- Great milk traits +1848kgM +0.03%F & +0.04%P
- Maternal sister to DG Vekis Luna
- tracing back to Beachlawn Blwood L Lilly EX-93-USA!!
Bourbon x Silver xVG-85-NL Headliner x EX-90-USA Shot-Al x EX-90-USA Ramos x VG-86-USA Oman x VG-87-USA Marshall x Beachlawn Blwood L Lilly EX-93-USA
Sire: Wa-Del Abs BOURBON
Dam: Lakeside Silver Lilly | Former top 10 SILVER dtr World Wide!
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- RED & POLLED heifer with almost 2400 GTPI
- Great health traits, SCS 2.74 / DPR +2.0 / SCE 5.0!!!
- Same family as: KHW Regiment Apple EX-96-USA the Grand Champion WDE '11 & Res. Grand Champ. WDE
Lucky-PP-Red x Salsa x VG-87-NL 2yr Supersire x VG-85-USA Alexander x EX-91-USA Goldwyn x Kamps-Hollow Altitude EX-95-USA
Sire: Zimmerview LUCKY-PP-RED
Dam: Batouwe Salsa Aiko Red | Former #1 GTPI Salsa World Wide & former #3 GTPI R&W Heifer in Europe
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- Awesome Beemer daughter of Doorman Esmeralda VG-89-NL MAX!
- Esmeralda was Udder Champion Noordeloos '18 & Res. Champion 2yr. Old National HHH Show '16
- Same family as Amarante EX-FR
- 2 x French Cow of the Year - Also the same family as CAPJ Irana
- Your opportunity to get a piece of Esmeralda into your barn!
Beemer x JK Eder DG Esmeralda VG-89-NL 3yr. (MAX) (s. Doorman) x Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL (s. Goldwyn) x Agathe VG-88-FR
Sire: Pol Butte Mc BEEMER
Dam: JK Eder DG Esmeralda VG-89-NL MAX | Res. 2yr. Old Champion HHH-Show '16
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- Showtime Fitz out of the Ravenswell Lydia family
- Ready to Flush!
- Same family as Lotto EX-95, Lynley EX-94, Lavish EX-95, Licorice EX-95 & more
- One of the most successful show families in the breed
Fitz x VG-87-NL 2yr Brokaw x VG-87-IT Promotion x EX-93-CAN Talent x EX-90-CAN Rudolph x Ravenswell Lydia EX-92-USA
Sire: Toc-Farm FITZ
Dam: Agrilat Brokaw Lucia VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. | 1st place Jr. Heifer Show Cremona '15
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- Super allround Flagship heifer!
- From the full sister to DG Albero Eldorado!
- +2524 GTPI, +1397kgM, positive components, DPR, SCS and PL!
- From the Savage-Leigh Linda cow family
- Same Family as Savage-Leigh Licorice EX-92
Flagship x Montross x VG-85-IT Supersire x VG-87-IT Man-O-Man x EX-90-IT Elegant x EX-94-USA Skychief x Savage-Leigh Bellwood Linda EX-92-USA
Sire: S-S-I 1stclass FLAGSHIP
Dam: DG Albero Elise | The top of the Savage-Leigh Linda cow family
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- Interesting DG Charley daughter at breeding age!
- Out of an amazing brood family
- Grand dam is Tir-An N.U. Nyala, dam of numerous AI Bulls!
- Make sure you become part of this fantastic family!
DG Charley x Kingboy x VG-86-NL Numero Uno x VG-89-DK 2yr Big Time x VG-87-DK Stol Joc x Tir.An Oman Neblina
Dam: DG R Natasha | Former #5 Kingboy dtr World Wide!
- Very interesting Charley dtr at breeding age
- From the Diepenhoek Rozelle's
- Huge production heifer: +2241 Milk / +68 Protein - combined with great udders
- The Rozelle family delivered several chart-topping heifers in Europe
- Different maternal line: Charley x Main Event x Cashcoin x Iota x Jeeves
DG Charley x Main Event x Cashcon x Iota x Diepenhoek Rozelle 38 VG-86 2yr.
Sire: DG Charley
Dam: DG Ruby | The Diepenhoek Rozelle cow family!
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- High type Exactly dtr at breeding age
- PTAT +2.42 with >2 points udders
- Incredible fitness traits in her index: 2.63 SCS / +3.1 PL
- Going back on Ladys-Manor Ruby Jen EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM
Exactly x Kingboy x VG-85 2yr. Supersire x VG-88 x EX-90-USA x EX-90-USA x Ladys-Manor Ruby Jen EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM
Sire: Holyland Elite EXACTLY
Dam: Ladys-Manor Kboy Shalva-ET GP-83-USA VG-MS 2yr. | Going back on Ladys-Manor Ruby Jen EX-94
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- Interesting Eldorado daughter tracing back to Whittier Farms Lead Mea!
- Same family as Morningview Legend and Mcc Kingboy!
- Huge transmitting family!
Eldorado x Pure x VG-85-USA Numero Uno x EX-90-USA Shottle x VG-86-USA Oman x VG-87-USA Durham x EX-91-USA Bellwood x Whittier-Farms Lead Mea EX-95-USA
Sire: DG Albero Eldorado
Dam: Vekis DG Lara
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- Helix dtr out of the same family as Global sensation DG CHARLEY!
- Great milk traits +1326M +0.08% and +0.04% and almost +2500 GTPI!
- DG Caylee is just fresh and looks great!
- 4th dam is the one and only Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA 96-MS!
Helix x NC Supershot x VG-85-NL 88-MS 3yr Mogul x VG-89-USA Observer x Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA EX-96-MS
Sire: AOT Silver HELIX
Dam: DG Caylee NC | Full sister to global sensation DG CHARLEY!
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This is a traditional English auction.