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This is a traditional English auction.
- Burley heifer with +2671 GTPI in combination with +2.23 PTAT!
- Maternal sister to Pine-Tree Mandolin (+2878 GTPI) & Pine-Tree 774 ACHIE 7686-ET (+2804 GTPI)
- Same family as: Flagship, Jedi and Jett
Burtley x Seagull-Bay My Octavia-ET GP-81-USA 2yr. (s. Octoberfest) x S-S-I Moonry Myesha 9071 VG-85-USA 2yr. (s. Moonray) x S-S-I Bookem Modesto 7269 VG-87 x VG-86 x VG-86 x EX-90 x EX-91
Sire: Pine-Tree BURLEY
Dam: Seagull-Bay My Octavia-ET GP-81-USA 2yr. | Dam with several offspring >2800 GTPI!
Sold to #2027 for
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- King Doc with an unique combination of >2600 gTPI and +3.09 PTAT!
- Dam has 5 progeny over 2800 gTPI, who sold for $100.000!
- Dam is a full sister to the #1 *RC gTPI cow in the States: MS DG Delta Bridgett *RC VG-85-USA 2yr.
- Going back on the All-American cow: Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA
King Doc x Ms DG-TM Delta Blake-ET GP-83-USA VG-MS 2yr. x Calbrett Supersire Barb *RC VG-86-USA 2yr. x Rainyridge Super Beth *RC VG-86-CAN 2yr. 2* x Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA x EX-95 x EX x EX
Sire: Woodcrest KING DOC
Dam: Ms DG-TM Delta Blake-ET GP-83-USA VG-MS 2yr. | 5 progeny >2800 gTPI and sold for $100.000
Sold to #352 for
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- +3.11 PTAT R&W Jordy-Red from the Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96 family!
- Her dam Lakeside Defiant Ashlyn-Red is just fresh and ready for the big dance!
- Full sister to Lakeside Ups Abbey Red +3.52 PTAT, she sells at German Masters Sale '18!
- Tri-Day Ashlyn is the Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair & WDE 2011
Jordy-Red x Lakeside Defiant Ashlyn-Red x Lakeside Damion Ashlyn *RC VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. x Tri-Day Ashlyn 2 *RC VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. x Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA x EX-92
Sire: Cycle Mcgucci JORDY-RED
Dam: Lakeside Defiant Ashlyn-Red | Promising RED Defiant from the Tri-Day Ashlyn's
Sold to #14681 for
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- Apprentice daughter with +2661 gTPI and 787 Net Merit!
- Currently she is in test for *RC and RZG!
- Incredible health traits in her index: 5.8% SCE/ +6.3 PL/ 2.66 SCS/ +2.8 DPR
- Dam is one of the highest classified 2yr. Olds in CANADA with VG-87!
Apprentice *RC x Ladys-Manor SSH Seashore VG-87-CAN 2yr. (s. Supershot) x Seagull-Bay Mogul 1725 EX-90-USA 4yr. x T-C-G Observer May VG-86-CAN x T-C-G Shottle Minnow EX-93 x VG-87 x VG-87 x EX-90 x EX-91
Dam: Ladys-Manor SSH Seashore VG-87-CAN 2yr. | One of the highest classified 2yr. Olds in Canada with many sons in A.I.!
Sold to #242 for
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- Polled Bandares dtr which is ready to flush with: +2699 gTPI, +802 NM$, +2.27 PTAT & 143 RZG!
- A fantastic pedigree and index with no holes!
- Dam produced almost 16.000kgM in her first lactation and is the full sister to THE ANSWER PO at Jetstream
- Same family which produced: Moonboy, Mccutchen, Meteor, Mayfield & more!
Bandares x Endco Montross Mint 9329 VG-85-USA x Bryhill Earnhardt Mint-P x Sully Robust 720 GP-83-CAN x Sully Planet Manitoba-ET VG-85-CAN x Sully Shottle May-TW EX-91-USA x EX-90 x VG-85 x VG-88 x VG-86 x VG-88 x VG-89
Sire: Wa-Del Yoder BANDARES
Dam: Endco Montross Mint 9329 VG-85-USA | >15.000kgM in her first lactation & the full sister to ANSWER-P
Sold to #242 for
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- READY TO FLUSH with +2650 gTPI, +2.21 PTAT and 735 NM$ and +144 RZG!
- Blowtorch grand daughter of the super transmitting: Tir-An N.U. Nyala VG-86-NL 3yr.
- Tracing back to Tirsvad Stol Joc Nemo VG-87-DK 2yr.
Blowtorch x R DG Nova (s. Damaris) x Tir-An N.U. Nyala VG-86-NL 3yr. x Tirsvad BT Noma VG-89-DK 2yr. x VG-87 x VG-87 x VG-87 x VG-85 x VG-86 x VG-89
Sire: Syryczuk Silvr BLOWTORCH
Dam: R DG Nova | Former #6 RZG Heifer born in 2015!!
- DG Charley daughter close to flush age with +2710 GTPI!
- A very complete index with +856 NM$ and +2.05 UDC!
- PrimeVal 8498 has 5 generations EXCELLENT dams in her pedigree!
DG Charley x Pine-Tree 14 Kingboy 6670 x Pen-Col Robust Harp-ET VG-87-USA DOM x Farnear Plant Hali 11862 VG-87-USA x EX-91 x VG-86 x VG-85 x VG-86 x EX-91 x VG-87 x EX-93 x EX-92 x EX-90
Dam: Pine-Tree 14 Kingboy6670-ET | Many offspring >2700 GTPI!
Sold to #2027 for
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- Top ranking heifer with: +2646 GTPI and +826 Net Merit!
- Sister to Pine-Tree Mandolin (+2867 GTPI)
- Same family as: Flagship, Jedi and Jett
Burtley x Seagull-Bay My Octavia-ET GP-81-USA 2yr. (s. Octoberfest) x S-S-I Moonry Myesha 9071 VG-85-USA 2yr. (s. Moonray) x S-S-I Bookem Modesto 7269 VG-87 x VG-86 x VG-86 x EX-90 x EX-91
Sire: Pine-Tree BURLEY
Dam: Seagull-Bay My Octavia-ET GP-81-USA 2yr. | Dam with several offspring >2800 GTPI!
Sold to #2027 for
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- READY TO FLUSH Blowtorch dtr with almost 2600 gTPI and +133 RZG!
- Family that delivered many bulls for A.I.!
- Grand dam Tir-An N.U. Nyala VG-86-NL 3yr. was topseller EG Summer Sale for 84.000 EUR
Blowtorch x R DG Nova (s. Damaris) x Tir-An N.U. Nyala VG-86-NL 3yr. x Tirsvad BT Noma VG-89-DK 2yr. x VG-87 x VG-87 x VG-87 x VG-85 x VG-86 x VG-89
Sire: Syryczuk Silvr BLOWTORCH
Dam: R DG Nova | Former #2 RZG Damaris daughter in the breed!
Sold to #12470 for
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- Benz daughter with +2734 gTPI, 842 Net Merit & +148 RZG!
- Full sister to HS DG Mercedes the #1 GTPI bull in Europe with +2915 gTPI!
- Perfect linear index: 5.9% SCE/ +4.8 DPR/ +6.3 PL/ +0.07% Protein! (08/18)
- Dam is maternal sister to NOEL @ VOST
Benz x DS HS Nadja (s. Jedi) x DS HS Neliza VG-86 (s. Supershot) x Tir-An Uno Nelina VG-86 x Tirsvad BT Nemesis VG-87 x Tirsvad Stol Joc Nemo VG-87
Sire: S-S-I Franchise BENZ
Dam: DS HS Nadja | First 6 tested dtrs averaging: GTPI +2750 / 4 dtrs > 900 Net Merit yet!
Sold to #352 for
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- >2600 gTPI and +1.92 PTAT in her index!
- +144 RZG (04/18) +2.73 SCS & +2.21 UDC! (08/18)
- Same family which produced: Moonboy, Mccutchen, Meteor, Mayfield & more!
Bandares x Endco Montross mint 9329 VG-85 x Bryhill Earnhardt Mint P x Sully Robust 720 GP-83 x Sully Planet Manitoba-ET VG-85 x Sully Shottle May-TW EX-91 x EX-90
Sire: Wa-Del Yoder BANDARES
Dam: Endco Montross Mint 9329 VG-85-USA | Full sister to THE ANSWER PO at Jetstream
Sold to #1818 for
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This is a traditional English auction.