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- 2019-12-27T20:16:00+00:00
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- Lot description
One of the greatest JERSEY cows in Europe sells open & ready to flush. Her average production over 4 lactation is impressive with 8.541 kg milk in 305 days with 5.3% FAT and 4.0% PROTEIN. Her mother, WIT Dalia EX-92-DE was the GRAND CHAMPION Jersey of the RUW Show 2011 and calved 7 times with a lactation avareage at 5.9% FAT and 4.2% PROTEIN! Grand Dam WIT Dagmar EX-90-DE was a Grand Champion of the RUW show as well, in 2009!
- Located
- Netherlands
- Pedigree
Sire: Lencrest BLACKSTONEDam: Wit Dalia EX-92-DE | GRAND CHAMPION RUW Show 2011 / calved 7 times / 4.2% PROTEIN
IBR & BVD marker vaccinated / (IBR-GE and BVD-Virus free)
IBR & BVD marker gevaccineerd / (IBR-GE en BVD-Virus vrij getest)