Eurogenes Auctions

#4 FEMALE EMBRYOS: MIX Valley Cece CHROME / Elliotts Regency CASINO x Arethusa NH DG Victoria Secret VG-85-DE 2yr

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Lot description

FEMALE JERSEY ‘type’ embryos by the show bulls CHROME and CASINO in a mixed flush from the 2-Yr Old Champion German Dairy Show 2019: Arethusa NH DG Victoria Secret VG-85-DE 2yr. She is a grand dtr to the legend Huronia Centurion Veronica EX-97-USA.

Sire: MIX: FEMALE Valley Cece CHROME / FEMALE Elliots Regency CASINO
Dam: Arethusa NH DG Victoria Secret VG-DE 2yr. | Jersey 2yr. Old Champion German Dairy Show 2019