Eurogenes Auctions

JK Eder Boulet GENI-I 7

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Huge show heifer by the TYPE sensation HIGH OCTANE himself! Out of the popular bull producing family of Pam Ella EX-93-FR!! Same family as Survivor @ Amils, Vignory & Artois @ Genes Diffusion and Bactari @ Dynamis. Grand dam was the former top 25 GTPI cow in Europe!! Dam is a promising first calver by DAY scored with VG-87-NL VG-88-MS La1.

Sire: Stantons HIGH OCTANE
Dam: JK Eder Boulet Gen-I 1 VG-87-NL La1. | Deep French Cow family

IBR & BVD marker vaccinated / (IBR-GE and BVD-Virus free) 
IBR & BVD marker gevaccineerd / (IBR-GE en BVD-Virus vrij getest)