Eurogenes Auctions

Lot 1. #4 FEMALE embryos: Stantons CHIEF x Jacobs Nohl Lyana EX-90-NL 4yr.

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Lot description

The first offering from Lyana!! EXCELLENT & ready to show CONTROL dtr from the Royal Grand Champion: Jacobs Gold Liann EX-94-CAN EX-95-MS 2E 5yr. 1*. Grand dam was H.M. Intermediate Champion at Montmagny Show 2008!

Sold for the BUY NOW price / Verkocht voor de KOOP NU prijs

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Sire: FEMALE Stantons Chief | +11 Conf. sire to multiple show winners on the coloured shavings! [more info]
Dam: Jacobs Nohl Lyana EX-90-NL 4yr. | Control x Jacobs Gold Liann EX-94-CAN - Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2016
Freezing method
Grade A - IVF - Direct Transfer