Eurogenes Auctions

Lot 18. #4 FEMALE embryos: #4 OH DG RUBELS-RED x Allenbach Marker Jamaika *RC VG-89-CH La3.

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Lot description

R&W TYPE embryos by RUBELS-RED (+2684 GTPI / +1.87 PTAT) from a VG-89-CH Red Marker dtr to the Swiss legend: Rubens Ingrid EX-95-CH 10E - 10x classified EX-95, >180.000kgM lifetime production and multiple show winner! Donor was Miss Junior Oberaargau Show!!

Can be shipped to
Sire: FEMALE DG OH RUBELS-RED (BB) | +1.87 PTAT // +2684 GTPI // +776 Milk | Argo *RC x Rubicon x Aikman *RC [more info]
Dam: Allenbach Marker Jamaika VG-89-CH | Straight out RUBENS INGRID EX-95-CH 10E and over 183.000kgM lifetime!
Freezing method
Grade A - IVF - Direct Transfer