Eurogenes Auctions

JK Eder Hoine 8

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* > 2700 GTPI Montana daughter (Prelm) with +2.75 udders and a very complete index!
* From a top cow family, imported in France / Issue d'une bonne famille de vache, importée en France
* Dam has a Defender brother in AI / Sa mère a un frère Defender en CIA
* Traces back to the American Peckenstein Luke Kirsten EX-91 cow family / Vient de la famille américaine de Peckenstein Luke Kirsten EX-91
* Same family as Formation Bret & Niagra!! / Même famille que Formation Bret & Niagra!!

* Location: Holland / Hébergé aux Pays-Bas

COMPLETE INDEX  US 8/17 (Prelim)  
Production: +1891M +0.02%F +0.01%P +76F +58P
Fitness: PL +7 / SCS 2.86 / DPR +1.2 / SCE 6.7
Type: STA +1.7 / RPA  +0.19 / TLG +0.41 / UDC +2.75 / UDC +2.03 / PTAT +2.85
Total: GTPI +2709 / NM $ 784

Dam: JK Eder Hoine 2 | Spring x Numero Uno x Planet

COMPLETE INDEX  US 8/17 (Prelim)  
Production: +1891M +0.02%F +0.01%P +76F +58P
Fitness: PL +7 / SCS 2.86 / DPR +1.2 / SCE 6.7
Type: STA +1.7 / RPA  +0.19 / TLG +0.41 / UDC +2.75 / UDC +2.03 / PTAT +2.85
Total: GTPI +2709 / NM $ 784