* Dodge daughter from the Ord Bizou cow family / Fille de Dodge sur la famille de Ord Bizou
* Dodge dtrs are already successful at the shows in Canada / Les filles de Dodge ont déjà beaucoup de succès au Canada
* Dam was 3rd @ SPACE Show 2015 / Sa mère était 3ème au SPACE 2015
* Dodge x Yorick x Goldwyn Jocko Besne

* Fresh 2yr. old by DKR Pedro
* Straight out of DKR Britny VG-88-FR 2yr., one of the very best Jeeves dtrs World Wide / Directement sur la Jeeves, DKR Britny VG-88-FR 2yr.
* Dam was 3rd. Jr. 2yr. old & Best Udder @ Normandy Show '12 / Sa mère était 3ème Junior Espoir & Meilleure mamelle au concours de Normandie'12
* Granddam is the great EX-90 Shottle cow: Ord Bizou / Sa grand-mère est la fameuse Ord Bizou EX-90!
* Classified : VG-85-FR VG-85-MS
* Vêlée depuis / Fresh since: 23/03/17
* Cellules/SCS : 61
* Production actuelle / current production : 34

* > 2700 GTPI Montana daughter (Prelm) with +2.75 udders and a very complete index!
* From a top cow family, imported in France / Issue d'une bonne famille de vache, importée en France
* Dam has a Defender brother in AI / Sa mère a un frère Defender en CIA
* Traces back to the American Peckenstein Luke Kirsten EX-91 cow family / Vient de la famille américaine de Peckenstein Luke Kirsten EX-91
* Same family as Formation Bret & Niagra!! / Même famille que Formation Bret & Niagra!!
* Location: Holland / Hébergé aux Pays-Bas
Production: +1891M +0.02%F +0.01%P +76F +58P
Fitness: PL +7 / SCS 2.86 / DPR +1.2 / SCE 6.7
Type: STA +1.7 / RPA +0.19 / TLG +0.41 / UDC +2.75 / UDC +2.03 / PTAT +2.85
Total: GTPI +2709 / NM $ 784

* #2 GTPI RC Heifer in Europe (GTPI +2699) / Génisse #2 GTPI en Europe (GTPI+2699)
* Super complete profile: +1888M, +0.01% PROTEIN, DPR +3.5, PL +7.9 & +2.11 PTAT
* Different bloodline for the RC breed: Modesty x Supershot x Numero Uno
* Going back to Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA! / Même famille que Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA!
* 3rd dam was topseller @ Rocky Mountain HIgh Sale for $ 79.000 / Sa 3ème mère a été vendu pour 79.000$ au Rocky Mountai High Sale
- Correct UDC index is +2.05!!

* RED CARRIER Exactly daughter / Fille Facteur Rouge de Exactly
* Out of the Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA cow family / Issue de la famille de Rainyridge Talent Barabara EX-95-USA
* Great fitness traits and components: SCS 2.64, DPR +2.8, PL +7.2, SCE 6.4
* Dam is sister to: / Sa mère est soeur de : Barbican *RC, Brody *RC, Barron, Bailey *RC, Berlin Red & many others!
* Grand dam is the #4 GTPI Cow in the U.S.! / Sa grand-mère est la vache #4 GTPI aux USA!

* Charley sister to Cogent SUPERSHOT! / Soeur de Charley sur Cogent SUPERSHOT
* Supershot is the former #1 GTPI, NM & GLPI bull in the breed
* Full brother sold for € 12.000 / Plein-frère vendu pour 12.000€
* The Vir-Clar de Classy cow family, same family as the Koepon Classy's! / Même famille que Koepen Classy
* Same family as : / Même famille que : Southland Carola 11 EX-90-NL, Res. 2yr. old Champion European Show '13
* Dam. DG Rosaire: Not calved. Dead / Mère: DG Rosaire n'a pas vêlée pour cause de décès.

* THE Complete package!
* RED, Show style & tremendous cow family
* Fresh in 2nd lactation and looks AMAZING!!
* Selected for the SPACE Show 2017 / sélectioné pour le SPACE 2017
* One of the greatest R&W opportunities in Europe to sell / Une des meilleures opportunités R&W en Europe
* Goes back to Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-90-CAN, the oldest cow who ever won Madison @ 14-yrs of age / Issue de la famille de Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-90-CAN
* Classified : VG-88-FR VG-88-MS
* Sélectionnée pour le SPACE / SPACE selected
* Latest flush result : 5 grade A ; 14 grade A ; 11 grade A ; 9 grade A
* Vêlée depuis / Fresh since: 17/05/17
* Cellules/SCS : 16
* Production actuelle / current production : 42L

* 100% R&W FEMALE Heifer calves!
* Dam has it all! RED, Incredible pedigree & SHOW Style
* Dam is just fresh in 2nd lactation and looks AMAZING!! Selected for the SPACE Show 2017
* Goes back to Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-90-CAN, the oldest cow who ever won Madison @ 14-yrs of age

* Show time!: RED CARRIER Mccutchen dtr x Enya-Red VG-88-FR VG-88-MS
* First opportunity from RZH Enya-Red / Première opportunité d'avoir une fille de RZH Enya-Red
* Dam has it all! RED, Incredible pedigree & SHOW Style
* Dam is just fresh in 2nd lactation and looks AMAZING!! Selected for the SPACE Show 2017 / Sa mère est fraichement vêlée et sélectionée pour le SPACE!!
* Goes back to Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-90-CAN, the oldest cow who ever won Madison @ 14-yrs of age / Vient de la famille de Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-90-CAN !

* > 2600 GTPI, > 2.00 PTAT & +201 ISU from SNOWMAN his family!
* From an "outcross" maternal line / Lignée maternelle différente
* Dam is one of the highest GTPI Heifers from hage without Supersire & Mogul blood! / Sa mère est une des génisses les plus hautes en GTPI sans sang Supersire & Mogul!
* Charley x Kingboy x Massey x Socrates x Bolton
* 5th dam is the full sister to SNOWMAN! / La 5ème mère est la pleine soeur de SNOWMAN
* Same family as / Même famille que : Elburn, Omanoman, Pagini, Sunday & others
* Genes Diffusion Bull Contract / Contrat mâle Genes Diffusion

* Early Pledge daughter with appealing type index: PTAT +2.52 / Fille de Pedge avec PTAT +2.52
* From the Caps Mairy cow family, THE family which ranks in every singel test system! / Famille Caps Mairy, dans les tops de différents systémes !
* Great sire stack: Pledge x Silver x Supersire x Niagra
* Her 3rd dam sold to Ponderosa Holsteins, Spain / Sa 3ème mère a été vendu à Ponderosa Holsteins, Espagne
* Same family as / Même famille que : HS-NH Mercedes, the very first heifer which tested +170 RZG
* Same family as / Même famille que : NH HS Marily Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr., sold for € 84.000!

* Charley daughter out of the Markwell Durham Daisy cow family! / Fille de Charley issue de Markwell Durham Daisy
* Grand dam is a great proven brood cow / La grand mère est une super vache souche
* Close family to Danillo, Goldday & others / De la famille de Danillo, Goldday et de nombreux autres
* Index & Type!
* La génisse est Polled avec 153 RZG ! / heifer is Polled 153 RZG

* Out of the maternal sister to/ Sa mère est la soeur de : LINGO PP @ Genes Diffusion
* Superstar x Supershot x Ladd P
* Granddam is the topseller of the/ Sa grand mère été le top prix de la : Drakkar Sale '13 for € 28.000
* Same family as: Sunny Boy, Lucifer, Jorryn & more
* One of the very best cow families ever from Dutch soil / Une des meilleures famille de vache Allemande

* Great production index/ Super index de production : +1844Milk, +70 Fat & +67 PROTEIN!
* DPR +3.2, PL +6.9, almost 2.00 PTA T& GTPI +2689
* Full sister is the topseller of the Roccafarm Sale '17 for € 43.000 / Sa pleine soeur été le top prix de la vente Roccafarm '17 pour 43.000€
* Different branch from the Larcrest Cosmopolitan cow family / Différente branche issue de Larcrest Cosmopolitan
* Same family as / De la même famille que :Commander, Chevrolet, Fanatic, Charley & more
* Location: Belgium / Hébergée en Belgique

* One of the last opportunities to buy a GOLDWYN! Une des dernières opportunité d’acquérir une GOLDWYN
* Out one of the best French cow families / Une des meilleures familles de vache française
* This family stands out in high longevity and show style / La famille est très connue sur les concours et pour sa super longévité
* Her dam is the 3rd dam to / Sa mère est la troisième mère de : ICONE @ Genes Diffusion
* Sister to / Soeur de : Gallais Dhelia VG-89-FR VG-89-MS 2yr., 1st & Best Udder Departemental Show

* Unique opportunity for a grand daughter of / Unique opportunité d'avoir une petite fille de : RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN!
* Her dam is an EXCELLENT Aftershock dtr / Sa mère est une EXCELLENTE fille de Aftershock
* HAILEY was / HAILEY a été : 2x GRAND Champion @ Royal Winter Fairy & Madison
* One of the best opportunities from a topper from this cow family
* The first calved Beemer dtrs are very promising! / Les premières filles de Beemer vêlées sont très prometteuses!
* Swollen left hock after small injury at this moment. Will be guaranteed to be ok before delivery / Jarret un peu enflé actuellement, garantit d'être délivré seulement un fois soigné

* > 2500 GTPI from the legendary show cow: RF Goldwyn HAILEY EX-97-CAN!
* Hailey won 2x GRAND Champion @ Royal Winter Fair & Madison
* Hesti has a complete index with / Hesty a un index complet avec : GTPI +2505, FLC +2.36, UDC +2.13 & PTAT +2.17
* Dam is the #2 GLPI Diamond dtr in Europe / Sa mère est la n°2 des filles de Diamond au GLPI
* Dam is sister to/ Sa mère est la soeur de : Lencome @ Origenplus
* Her full sister is the topseller at the Orne Sale '17 / Sa pleine soeur a été le top prix de la vente Orne '17
* HH5

* Sired by one of the best Jersey bulls in the breed / Fille de l'un des meilleur taureau Jersey : CHIEF
* Pregnant with FEMALE JOEL! The new high type Jersey bull / Gestante de JOEL FEMELLE ! Le nouveau crack en type
* 3rd Dam : Danish W Ruth DJHB VG-85-UK / 3è mère:Danish W Ruth DJHB VG-85-UK

* Intersting Jersey granddaughter of / Intéressante petite fille de : Ribblesdale Fritillary EX-94-UK
* Good and solid Jersey cow family, developed in the UK / Bonne et solide famille de vache , développer en Grande Bretagne
* Her dam is fresh and looks good! / Sa mère est fraîche et très bonne !
* Inséminée par : Barcelona 13/08/17 / Bred by Barcelona 13/08/17

* HUGE production topper with / Future top productrice : +2383 Milk and +66 PROTEIN!!
* Grand dam scored 88 points as a 2yr. old and won shows / Sa grand mère a été pointée VG-88 2ans et a gagné plusieurs concours
* 3rd dam is one of the highest production cow in Europe/Sa 3èm mère est une des vaches les plus productive en Europe:>50.000kgM in 2 lactations
* From the Bertaiola Lidia cow family / De la famille de Bertaiola Lidia
* Same family as / Même famille que : MINCIO
* Contract : Elitest: 4 x € 500
* HH5
* Production actuelle mere / current production dam : 33.6L
2.01 (Proj) 305d 9.451kgM 3.7%F 3.4%P

* Different pedigree: GRANITE x Tango x Meridian x Snowman x Bolton
* Out of the Italian Bel Iron Irene EX-90-IT cow family
* Full sister to / Pleine soeur de : COACH (s. Charley) GTPI +2727
* 4th dam is the full sister to MINCIO / Sa 4èm mêre est la pleine soeur de Mincio
* Location: Holland / Hébergée aux Pays-Bas
* HH3

* Charley daughter with super production traits in her index: +2192M / Fille de DG Charley avec un Index lait : +2192M
* Full cousin to / cousine de : COACH (s. Charley) GTPI +2727
* From an outcorss maternal line! / Différente lignée maternelle
* Out of the Italian Bertaiola Lidia cow family
* Location: Holland / Hébergée aux Pays-Bas

* Superstar daughter/ fille de Superstar > 200 ISU!
* Dam her maternal sister is dam to Baylaboy @ AI-Total & Blacklist @ RSH
* Dam is maternal sister to DKR Be One @ Semex
* Grand daughter of the former #1 RZG cow in the breed
* 3rd dam is the former #1 GTPI cow in the breed: Baviere VG-87-FR EX-MS
* The Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie cow family
* Genes Diffusion Bull Contract / Contrat mâle Genes Diffusion

* Close to 200 ISU Superstar daughter
* Grand daughter of the former #1 RZG cow in the breed: DKR Bayla VG-86 2yr.
* 3rd dam is Baviere VG-87-FR EX-MS, former #1 GTPI Cow in the breed!!
* Same family as Jakarta @ Semex, Bossonova @ Masterrind, Baylaboy @ AI-Total & Blacklist @ RSH

* Capital Gain daughter from the Baviere's
* Grand daughter of the former #1 RZG cow in the breed: DKR Bayla VG-86 2yr.
* 3rd dam is Baviere VG-87-FR EX-MS, former #1 GTPI Cow in the breed!!
* Same family as Jakarta @ Semex, Bossonova @ Masterrind, Baylaboy @ AI-Total & Blacklist @ RSH

* Out of the Whittier-Lead Mae cow family!
* Dam is maternal sister to EMMETT & EPIC
* Grand dam is the full sister to Wabash-Way Emilyann, former #1 GTPI cow in the breed!
* Emilyann is dam to Explode, one of the highest dtr proven bulls for milk
* Traces back to Whittier-Farm Lead Mae EX-95-USA
* She is not POLLED / Elle n'est pas Polled

* Charley daughter straight from one of the best young brood cows in Europe
* Almost all over her brothers went to AI
* Sister to Bailando, New York, Nikkelback, Nickson & more
* Dam is the sister to: LEXINGTON, former #1 RZG bull in Germany!
* Same family as Beauty & Manur

* One of the first opportunities by SILLIAN!
* Great index with +1900 milk, +0.04% PROTEIN, GTPI +2651, PTAT +2.55 & > 2 points for udders
* Her dam is one of the highest Montross dtrs of her age, just fresh and looks good
* Same family as the new type sensation: UNIX @ Semex, Danillo, Goldday & more!
* Genes Diffusion Bull Contract / Contrat mâle Genes Diffusion

* Charley daughter backed with a different pedigree
* From the successful Diepenhoek Rozelle cow family
* Same family as Chevvy, Buick and Romain
* 3rd dam is the former #1 GTPI cow in Europe
* Charley x Main Event x Cashcoin x Shottle
* Location: Holland / Hébergée aux Pays-Bas

* Charley daughter backed with a different pedigree
* From the successful Diepenhoek Rozelle cow family
* Same family as Chevvy, Buick and Romain
* 3rd dam is the former #1 GTPI cow in Europe
* Charley x Main Event x Cashcoin x Shottle
* Location: Holland / Hébergée aux Pays-Bas

* One of the very first fresh Pure daughters in Europe
* Straight from Caps Mairy 14 VG-87-NL, #1 Jeeves in the breed!
* Dam sold for € 58.000 as a young heifer
* Same family as HS-NH Mercedes, the very first heifer which tested +170 RZG!
* One of the greatest transmitting cow families in the breed in various test systems!
* Classified: GP-84-FR GP-83-MS
* Vêlée depuis / Fresh since: 24/04/17
* Cellules/SCS : 20
* IA / AI: 22/07/17 Baylaboy

* RED & WHITE Dresser dtr from the APPLE cow family!
* Dresser x Mr Savage x Damion x KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA
* Her grand dam is the maternal sister to Ms Candy Apple-Red: Res. Grand Champion @ Royal Winter Fair
* Same family as: Diamondback *RC, Armani *RC, Advent, Jotan, Acme & many others

* GTPI +2663 & ISU +206 Charley daughter
* +1843 Milk in her index with +0.04% PROTEIN!!
* Huge fitness traits: DPR +0.9, PL +7.7 & SCE 6.4
* Her dam is the #3 GTPI Pure dtr in the breed
* 3rd dam: BTS Swann VG-88-FR 2yr., is one of the best Freddie dtrs in the breed!
* Swann placed 2nd @ National Show in Paris, Epinal Show & Best Udder Champion @ National St. Etienne
* Same family as Sympatico *RC, Sunfish *RC, Seneca *RC, Sniper, Mr Savage, Secure Red & more
* Son numéro national est : FRA1442242423 / Her number is FRA1442242423
* Genes Diffusion Bull Contract / Contrat mâle Genes Diffusion

* Good looking fresh RED Debutant Grand daughter of Planet Silk *RC EX-90!
* Dam is one of the highest production cows in Germany: La1 305d 12.519kgM 3.8% PROTEIN!!
* Dam is the full sister to SYMPATICO *RC @ Semex
* Close family to Sunfish *RC & Sniper
* Great pedigree for the R&W breed: RC Debutant x Snowman x Planet x Goldwyn
* Out of the Canadian Splendor cow family
* Classified: GP-83-FR GP-83-MS
* Vêlée depuis / Fresh since: 21/03/17
* Cellules/SCS : 16
* IA / AI: 19/08/17 Barbican RC

* Incredible combination: GOLD CHIP x WINDBROOK x SID x GOLDWYN x STORMATIC
* Jessica is one of the very few members of this special cow family
* Going back to the amazing Du Bon Vent Stormatic Atacama EX-95
* Atacama was 2 x Res. Grand Champion at the Swiss Expo in Lausanne!!
* Atacama was GRAND CHAMPION at the Swiss National Show: Expo Bulle 2012!
* Atacame is one of the greatest show cows of her generation!

* Dam is a former top 5 GTPI R&W Heifer in Europe
* Out of the APPLE / AIKO cow family
* Grand dam is the great brood & show cow: BTS Avea-Red VG-87-NL 2yr.
* Avea: 1st Summer Show Beilen & Res. Champion 2yr. old Opmeer