Eurogenes Auctions

DKR Bardy *RC

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Lot description

* #2 GTPI RC Heifer in Europe (GTPI +2699) / Génisse #2 GTPI en Europe (GTPI+2699)
* Super complete profile: +1888M, +0.01% PROTEIN, DPR +3.5, PL +7.9 & +2.11 PTAT
* Different bloodline for the RC breed: Modesty x Supershot x Numero Uno
* Going back to Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA! / Même famille que Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA!
* 3rd dam was topseller @ Rocky Mountain HIgh Sale for $ 79.000 / Sa 3ème mère a été vendu pour 79.000$ au Rocky Mountai High Sale

- Correct UDC index is +2.05!!

Sire: Bacon-Hill Pety MODESTY
Dam: Lightningridge-RB Blair *RC | High ranking offspring in several test systems