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- 2017-09-08T19:12:00+00:00
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- Lot description
* Charley daughter out of the Markwell Durham Daisy cow family! / Fille de Charley issue de Markwell Durham Daisy
* Grand dam is a great proven brood cow / La grand mère est une super vache souche
* Close family to Danillo, Goldday & others / De la famille de Danillo, Goldday et de nombreux autres
* Index & Type!UPDATE:
* La génisse est Polled avec 153 RZG ! / heifer is Polled 153 RZG- Pedigree
Sire: DG CHARLEYDam: DG DV Dahilia *P | Same family as Danillo and Goldday
DE 8/17 +1218M +0.13%F +0.04%P +62F +45P RZM 134 / RZS 115 / RZD 107 / RZG 153
Strl. 102 / Fund. (F&L) 122 / Eut. (udder) 131 / RZE 131
One of the highest RZG Polled heifers on B&W base. Very complete allround index profile.
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