Eurogenes Auctions

DG Caps Medusa GP-84-FR GP-83-MS

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Lot description

* One of the very first fresh Pure daughters in Europe
* Straight from Caps Mairy 14 VG-87-NL, #1 Jeeves in the breed!
* Dam sold for € 58.000 as a young heifer
* Same family as HS-NH Mercedes, the very first heifer which tested +170 RZG!
* One of the greatest transmitting cow families in the breed in various test systems!

* Classified: GP-84-FR GP-83-MS
* Vêlée depuis / Fresh since: 24/04/17        
* Cellules/SCS : 20
* IA / AI: 22/07/17 Baylaboy


Sire: Ste Odile PURE
Dam: Caps Mairy 14 VG-87-NL | #1 Jeeves in the breed!!