Eurogenes Auctions

DG Sely *RC GP-83-FR GP-83-MS

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Lot description

* Good looking fresh RED Debutant Grand daughter of Planet Silk *RC EX-90!
* Dam is one of the highest production cows in Germany: La1 305d 12.519kgM 3.8% PROTEIN!!
* Dam is the full sister to SYMPATICO *RC @ Semex
* Close family to Sunfish *RC & Sniper
* Great pedigree for the R&W breed: RC Debutant x Snowman x Planet x Goldwyn
* Out of the Canadian Splendor cow family

* Classified: GP-83-FR GP-83-MS
* Vêlée depuis / Fresh since: 21/03/17        
* Cellules/SCS : 16
* IA / AI: 19/08/17 Barbican RC

Sire: Texel Beauty DEBUTANT-Red
Dam: Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-86-DE 3yr. | Full sister to Sympatico RC